I hate intentional misinformation spreading
Basically this “Dr Mercola” reported a net worth of over 100 million. He’s hired a group of people to write these false articles and spread them on Facebook, on his website, Twitter, etc. He’s making tons of money selling his own “natural cures” and “home remedies” (junk) as well as on the advertising his website and social media posts are generating. This guy is in it for the money. Not about “spreading the truth”.
I hate when people purposely create false articles and information in an effort to make money, mostly through advertising. I always believed that there should be laws banning advertisers from paying out to website owners that are known/proven to spread false information. Basically if a person can’t make money spreading lies, they will dry up and go away and scam others some other way.
There’s already civilian volunteer groups that identify obvious fake news websites, websites that post articles and quote Doctors and Scientists that don’t actually exist, quoting some historical event that did not actually occur, etc. Anything to make the article seem more legitimate, in order to trick people and while they’re reading and being tricked, advertisements show up on the left, top and right of the article and the owner gets a few pennies for every sucker they’ve lured into their trap.
Filed under: Personal - @ 2022-11-16 5:42 pm