This Christmas Truce of 1914
“The combo from Sabaton and Yarn Hub is solid gold” couldn’t have said it better myself, so I won’t. But you should watch this video.
It sucks that the military absolutely did not like this, and banned it from happening the next year. They said any soldier(s) caught not fighting on December 25th would be court martialed or something like that. This was because soldiers found it much harder to fire at the enemy after the day of the Christmas truce.
Admittedly, it would be harder to try and kill somebody you just played some soccer with and shared a drink with and laughed and played. The military of that time wanted them to be nameless faces, just “the enemy”.
Anyways, it was nice that for one brief moment in this madness that is life, something extraordinary like this could happen.
Filed under: Personal - @ 2022-11-23 1:42 am