Whitehouse/President Biden announcing “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Good Friday
TLDR; AI summarized version of my post: “In this message, the sender emphasizes their lack of animosity towards the LGBTQ community and asserts their love for all people, regardless of their beliefs or identities. They express their disagreement with the concept of celebrating “Transgender Day of Visibility” around Easter, feeling it is disrespectful to Christianity. While acknowledging their frustration, they make it clear they won’t engage with hateful or insulting comments on their platform. They conclude by acknowledging the increasing complexity of the world and invite constructive feedback.“
First off, I’m stating that I have nothing against the LGBTQ community, I do not hate them, I do not judge them, I love them like I love my neighbor, and I’m very much a person who loves his neighbors. I may not always believe what my neighbor does is right, or agree with them, and I may go so far as to inform them of what I believe, but that’s where it ends. Disagreeing with something does not mean hating it. The world seems to have forgotten that lately, the “if your’e not with me, you’re against me” or “If you don’t agree with something you must hate that something” mentality, no middle ground, and that’s just wrong and IMHO a large part of the issues going on lately. Seems our tiny human brains lately are incapable of believing that there’s a middle ground, or a way to both love and disagree with somebody or some people or something at the same time.
Man, I was really hoping this email I got was fake news. But sadly I did my due diligence and confirmed “Transgender Day of Visibility” is a thing via a post on whitehouse.gov from President Biden, so it’s quite official. The only thing is, the President + Whitehouse posted this on March 29th; good Friday (coincidental??), but the only hopeful thing I think of is that I can’t find anything stating it’ll be honored or celebrated on Easter Sunday specifically.
So maybe “My faith votes” jumped the gun by thinking it’ll happen on Easter Sunday, but maybe not… While, as a Christian, I love everyone as my neighbor, and I won’t ever hate or persecute any LGBTQ people (I love them like a neighbor, I won’t judge them, that’s not my place and believing something is wrong does not mean hate), I think actively celebrating “Transgender Day of Visibility” on or even around Easter (A Christian holiday1) is definitely taking a shot at Christianity. Not cool President Biden, you could have easily announced this a month or two from now, but purposely provoking Christians seems a bold move. Not a good kind of bold IMHO.
lol, like he’ll ever hear of this or from me, but I figured I’d rant regardless (it is my website), and now I’ve said my peace.
Love you all (LGBTQ included), and this world is definitely getting more “interesting” (and I mean this in the Chinese curse kind of way) by the year.
If you leave a constructive or positive comment or a well thought out one, I’ll approve it and everyone can see. I do welcome good feedback. But if it’s just insulting or hateful or ranting or an attack on me or my faith without any real substance behind it, don’t expect to see it in the comments below. Just sayin’.

- Easter, also called Pascha (Aramaic, Greek, Latin) or Resurrection Sunday, is a Christian festival and cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead ↩︎
Filed under: Personal - @ 2024-03-30 8:58 pm