Oval Office decoration style

I was thinking of how the White House decor and oval office decor are all “Victorian Style” and how cool it’d be to have a POTUS who wants something more modern/futuristic for their oval office. I wonder if the POTUS is even allowed to change the traditional decor style. —– Now… if you took a […]

Anxiety about God not answering prayers

Don’t be anxious, give all things to God. But when you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.

Tired of the presidential game the 2 big parties make us play

Tired of republicans and democrats playing the “Lets see who can get away with the worst candidate and still force the people to vote for them” game. I want to vote, I want to do my part, and this year I am seriously considering voting independent or maybe a different party candidate, whoever lines up […]

aol.com email addresses still valid 30 years later

You know what’s impressive and deserves a nod of respect? The fact that aol.com is still around, that you can still access your old email account. I have an old America Online account and I’m surprised that even 30 years later the email address is still valid / I can still access it. I don’t […]

Whitehouse/President Biden announcing “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Good Friday

TLDR; AI summarized version of my post: “In this message, the sender emphasizes their lack of animosity towards the LGBTQ community and asserts their love for all people, regardless of their beliefs or identities. They express their disagreement with the concept of celebrating “Transgender Day of Visibility” around Easter, feeling it is disrespectful to Christianity. […]

Live a little – just in moderation

I don’t smoke. I don’t do drugs. I rarely drink alcohol (we’re talking like 1 – 2 drinks every 3 – 4 months on average; I never acquired the taste of beer). I don’t vape. Most of life’s little bad vices I tend to avoid, mostly because it’s just not for me. Not that I’m […]

Humanity in Star Trek is probably impossible but we should still try

I believe that Star Trek is supposed to be an ideal of what humans should strive to be. Strive to put aside our greed and corruption and such, and work towards the common good. Towards exploration and helping. However I believe that it’s not technically possible to reach this ideal fully, human nature has shown […]

I’m afraid God has abandoned us – because I would have

I keep having this underlying fear that we’re on our own, that God has abandoned us. Or at the very least he’s taken a very very relaxed hands-off approach and maybe nudges things here or there every so often but otherwise he lets us “do our own thing”. The Bible says he hasn’t abandoned us, […]

Bout of depression

I think the problem with my latest bout of depression is that there isn’t a very good reason for it. No big event or issue, no “smoking gun” so to speak as the cause. So when people close to me find out I’m depressed, I love them and appreciate them and such, but they always […]

My daughters are crazy

My daughter’s are crazy but I love them so much. Love you Cayla and Catelyn. My daughter’s are lovely, dark and deep (emotionally); But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep… Eh, forget sleep, I meant before I can sit and watch TV […]